In March of 2021, Aric...aka the "Bearded Scot" joined the Team here at Beard Octane, helping us come closer to achieving our bearded goals. While learning the art of handmade beard care, Aric developed his very own scent that he has yet to stop talking about (true story). This AMAZING scent of Freshly Ground Coffee Beans, Vanilla & Handpicked Blueberries. A deep, full scent which will consume your beard for hours on end! Handcrafted from the ground up, we are truly proud to present "NITRO" to the all star lineup here at Beard Octane! Be sure to check out Aric and his bearded adventures on Instagram!
The Beard Octane Beard Oil is made with only the highest quality, all natural oils. Our beard oil is lightweight, and was cultivated after nearly two years worth of research, trial, and development. Our beard oil is designed to promote healthy beard growth, without leaving your beard feeling greasy. Your beard will be moisturized and left with an amazing soft feel afterwards. All of our beard care products are handmade in small batches to ensure the highest quality product available!
HOLD: Light
SHEEN: Semi-Shine
SCENT NOTES: Hints of Blueberries, Vanilla & Freshly Ground Coffee Beans
- Smooth and Soften Your Beard
- Shape & Tame Unruly Beard Hair
- Remove Beard Itch
- Encourage Beard Growth
- Eliminate Frizziness
- Moisturize Your Facial Fur
- Give Your Beard a Non Greasy Finished Look
- Step Your Beard Game Up
All Beard Octane Beard Oils are packaged in one (1) ounce dark amber / brown glass bottles. Some would say we only do this because they are much cheaper than other color glass bottles and we just want to maximize our profits and take the fast track to becoming rich. Those people are 100% correct. However, for the other people (and to sound like we thought this through), we use dark amber / brown glass bottles because they have been proven to filter out the sun's ultra violet light. Ultra violet light will break down the beard oil ingredients, essentially destroying it over time. We recommend storing your Beard Octane Beard Oil in a dark, cool place to prolong the awesomeness that is contained in each bottle.